Monthly Archives: February 2016

Thursday, Feb. 18th

Today we worked on the review. You will pass in your homework scribblers tomorrow during the test. The review questions are on page 124-128:

Easy -1a,b , 5 a,b,6,7,8,11a,b

Medium -13, 15a,c, 17

Hard -18,20,22,23  and Page 120 6,8,11

Be sure to do all the HARD Level questions in your homework scribbler. Try a few multiple choice from the online PRACTICE TEST link.

Come to class early if you want to start your test early tomorrow. Bring a book to read if you finish early.




Friday,Feb. 12th

PAge 82-83  4,5,6,7,8,9,12,14

Page 102 – 10, 12

Need a goofy Valentine’s Day Poem? Here’s one:

To my Valentine:
Our love is like an irrational equation; it can’t be simplified.
You are a factor of my life.
If we distribute our love, we can be together forever. Together, we make a perfect square.
I love you like a coefficient loves its variable.
You are the square to my root, the solution to all of my equations. The slope of my love for you is ever increasing.
We fit together like coordinates on an axis.
You are the solution to my New Year’s resolution. Our love is a slopethat increases with all my hope that is so dope.
I less than three you.
For my love, like pi, is neverending.

Happy Valentine’s Day.