Monthly Archives: March 2018

Wednesday, March 21

Here are all the questions that we did in the hallway the past 2 days:

LawsofExponentsExponentRulesTaskCards (2)

And here is the Chapter 4 assignment that will be due FRIDAY, April 6th


Here are some videos to recap negative exponents. These videos should help with your assignment.

Ski Trip- Advance Homework

There are a number of you missing classes for a variety of reasons. Good news! A teacher in British Columbia has made youtube video lessons using your textbook!

His channel can be found at

Specifically, the lesson you will miss on Friday can be found on this video below:

And here is the homework. Try it early so I can help you out :

Textbook -Page 218-219
11acegi,12acegi,17,18,20,  21, 22 

Extra Practice -page 221 (GOOD EXTRA REVIEW if needed or visiting a tutor, coming for extra help, etc…)

Anyone travelling in the next while should bookmark this site and visit it and my website to stay on top of things.


Thursday, March 8th

Today we spent the class looking at how to determine which type of factoring to do when all the types were mixed up. Homework is to complete SIDE 1 only of the handout given in class.

ASSIGNMENTS (pink sheet) ARE DUE FRIDAY at the BEGINNING of CLASS.  Pay attention to the signs and look for more than one type of factoring in some on the back page!

Image result for factoring meme

Image result for factoring meme