Monthly Archives: March 2020

Tuesday, March 31

Hey All,

A few things for you to do today please:

  1. Can you please join my google classroom? We will need to use this forum for the collection of assignments and tests. The class code for Math 421A is as follows:


2. Email me at with the answer to the following questions:

1. Do you have internet access at home?

2. What kind of device will you be using to do online lessons?

3. Are you sharing this device with other family members who are working from                    home? (or going to school from home in another grade?)

(Please indicate if you will need another form of lessons if online is not an option for           you at this time.)

I need you to answer these questions via email as soon as possible and no later than WEDNESDAY at 3 PM.  I will be contacting students via home phone for anyone who has not responded by this time. Please pass this message along to your friends in the class.



Friday, March 27th

Hi Everyone,

By now you may have heard the recent announcement that schools will be closed until May 11th.  You may have also heard that online learning / home-based distance learning will start soon. You are correct on both accounts.

I am on a committee of Grade Ten Math Teachers from across the province who will meet next week (online) to work out how this looks and how we can realistically reduce the curricular outcomes to do the following:

  1. Make the learning and teaching manageable for both students and teachers in this new forum.
  2. Make sure you have the ‘essential learnings’ for the next level of courses you will take next year.

You might be feeling anxious and worried that we are not starting right away. Rest assured that it is better for us all that we take some time to collaborate with other teachers so we come up with the best plan for everyone before we jump right in. This time allows all teachers a chance to think about how this will best work, do some problem-solving and trouble-shooting. It also allows you some time to take care of your physical and mental well-being and to adjust to the new ‘normal.’

I hope you are taking advantage of this time to get creative. This week in our house we have three birthdays. My father-in-law’s birthday was yesterday, my husband’s is Sunday and Isabelle’s 18th birthday is on Monday. I am having to get creative to find ways for everyone to celebrate together. I LOVE BIRTHDAYS! We made big signs on cardboard for Jim’s birthday and stood outside his apartment (7 feet apart). We then sang happy birthday to him like fools while he stood on his balcony.

I am exploring some unique ways that I can hold virtual extra-help sessions. I hosted a ZOOM meeting for my father-in-law’s 83rd birthday just last night. It is a great way to meet with a number of people at the same time. You guys should try it out. You can even change your backgrounds and make it look like you are sitting on a tropical beach. 40 minute meetings are free.  If an 83 year-old can figure it out, you guys can too!

Isabelle is a Grade 12 at Colonel Gray. In speaking with her Poppy about her worries for the end of year and the start of university, Poppy had some wise words for her that can help us all navigate the days ahead. Poppy said, ” Isabelle, you still have A LOT of living left to do. This is just a bump in the road of your life.”


Sunday, March 22, 2020

IMG_1407Dear Students,
You have likely heard this before…we are living in unprecedented times. My wish for you is that you have a schedule where you learn something new, contribute to your family, and look after your physical and mental well-being. Here are a list of suggestions of things to include in your daily plan.
  1. Make a plan every day and stick to it. We are creatures of habit and we do better with a routine. Your new routine will look very different than before March Break. You get to decide. You are the Principal, and the Teacher in this temporary School of Social Distance Life. Take charge. 🙂
  2. Exercise. Try a live class on social media. Do a push up or abdominal daily challenge. Use this time to get fit. You can even try Zumba, ballet or martial arts. The internet has classes on virtually everything.
  3. Spend the day in the kitchen. Make a healthy meal for the whole family. Make dessert too!
  4. Walk to the grocery store and get food for your grandparents or someone vulnerable who can’t go out.
  5. Get outside. Go for a walk. Take up running. Be in nature if you can. It is a balm for the soul.
  6. Bike to your grandparents house and call them. Talk to them outside their window on the phone.
  7. Take up a new hobby.
  8. Make music. Even if you are really bad…sing anyway. Just turn the volume up loud.
  9. Make art and put it on display on the fridge. Your parents are going to love this!
  10. Learn how to parallel park a car in an empty parking lot (under adult supervision). Did I tell you I failed my driver’s test three times because I couldn’t park? You can get a jump start on this important life skill.
  11. Journal or make a video log. We are living through history right now. Your own kids someday won’t believe you.
  12. Host a group chat online with your friends. Set a time to meet everyday. Make a video together. Make it super cheesy.
  13. Read books. They are a great way to escape to another world. There are so many free right now online.
  14. Learn to meditate.
  15. Shower. Or take a long bath. 🙂 Personal hygiene should not take a backseat. You will feel better if you are clean and dressed to face another day!
  16. Go to a virtual concert. Or museum.
  17. Declutter your room. Organize your sock drawer, your closest, the kitchen cupboards.
  18. Make a jigsaw puzzle.
  19. Learn to play a new card game.
  20. Check out university and college programs online. Make some plans for your future.
  21. Be nostalgic. Do something you did as a kid when you had all the time in the world- make a blanket fort, play legos with your siblings, make homemade play dough.
  22. Do some household chores to contribute- laundry, dishes, cleaning.
  23. Limit your screen time. Sure watch some Netflix, make Tiktoks, Snapchat, text, and play some games. But please don’t make this your whole day. It isn’t healthy to spend your day in front of a screen.
  24. Turn up the music and dance it out!
  25. Work on your resume. You will be ready to apply for jobs when we are no longer in isolation.
I am sending lots of love into the universe to you all on my daily nature hikes. I am praying that Covid-19 doesn’t hit our elderly population and vulnerable people and that you are all practicing social distancing to do your part to contribute to the greater good of our society. I am going to try to teach my daughter how to parallel park (God help us both!) and I am hoping to beat my son soon at cribbage. I am also spending time figuring out what comes next if schools move to virtual learning.
We all have more questions than answers right now. A lot of people are working tirelessly to keep us safe and to find solutions. Be patient. Take care of yourself and your family. Practice social distancing. Take some photos of the awesome things you do over the next few weeks. Send them to me. I will make a slideshow to share with everyone.
Thinking of you all.
Mrs. Lee 🙂
PS- Not everyone in our class has subscribed to this blog. Feel free to send them this link so they can do so. We are all in this together. #gocolonels

Wednesday, March 11th

Assignments were due today. Today we reviewed in class and the test is tomorrow.

Block B- You may start at 8:30 a.m. if you think you might need more time.

Block A- You may stay into lunch if more time is needed.

Chapter Review Solutions can be found here:

IF you want a recap of any section, you can find ALL the videos for each section of the book in the link below.  All sections except Section 3.7 are on tomorrow’s test.

Click to access chapter3reviewsolutions.pdf

Click to access chapter3reviewsolutions.pdf

Click to access chapter3reviewsolutions.pdf

Click to access chapter3reviewsolutions.pdf

Tuesday, March 10th

Assignments are DUE TOMORROW ! Bring to class and pass in at the beginning of class.

Today we worked in groups on all types of factoring mixed. Complete the first side of the handout given out today in class.

Tomorrow we will review and your test is THURSDAY. Be careful with your signs! 🙂

Image result for factoring meme factoring like my grandma drives

Thursday, March 5th

Today we did Short and Long Trinomials with a GCF. We also looked at long trinomials with two variables.

At this point, you should be able to complete all of the assignment with the exception of #4c and d. We will learn these on Monday.

FINAL due date for assignments is WEDNESDAY. I will like to see most (if not all) passed in on Tuesday so you could make revisions before the due date.


Pages 167 #21 ALL (GCF first)
pages 178 #18ALL(GCF first!)

Video Recap:


Wednesday, March 4

Today’s Homework :
pages 177-178 # 9(a)(c),10(a)(c)

page 177/178 # 13(a)(e) 15(a)(c)(e)(g) , 19aceg





Homework for  Thursday (people going skiing need to do this on the weekend or come after school on Thursday for extra help.)

Pages 167 #21 ALL (GCF first)
pages 178 #18ALL(GCF first!)