Thursday, February 13th

Homework -Handout Side One Do All -Riddle Side

Side Two -3 problems 7, 9,10

Assignments are due in 1 week on Thursday, Feb.20th. I accept early assignments but I DO NOT accept late ones. Remember if you pass in your assignment early, I will correct what you have completed so far and you can fix any errors up until the due date.

Video Recap starts at 3:00 minutes on the video below:

Thursday, February 6th


  1. Side One and Side Two of Handout given out in class today.
  2. Complete SET ONE (circled questions only) on the pink handout (Pythagorean Theorem). We will check answers together in class.

Here are the solutions to check your own work for the first handout:IMG_0260IMG_0259

Here is a video recap of today’s lesson:


Welcome to Math 421A

These supplies would be great to have by Thursday or Friday.

You can get by with just a smile and positive attitude tomorrow.

Scientific Calculator (2 line display are always easier to figure out) …available at Staples

White board Markers 2-3 (Dry erase)

Hilroy Scribblers (8 for the semester)

Binder and Dividers

Plastic Sleeves (package of 10 from the Dollar Store)

Here are a couple of calculators available at Staples that I like:

Math 421

Hi All,

One more day of classes tomorrow. As promised, I have uploaded the notes and all the 12 pages of final review handout answers. You will find them in the tabs above.

See you tomorrow for final term marks and review of chapters 1 and 7.

Image result for hang in there meme



Tuesday, January 14th

Today we wrapped up the lesson on Domain and Range, completed a mini-assignment, did a lesson on Graphing Parabolas and started some homework. For homework, please do the following:

  1. Finish back of handout from today’s lesson
  2. Try pages 294-295 in the textbook #4a,c, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12
  3. Check to make sure you have passed in the PINK and YELLOW sheets.

Below is a link with a pdf of today’s notes:

Click to access notesfridayjan11.pdf